Friday, March 2, 2012

Almond Meal Crackers with Sesame Pepper Spread

I said I was going to use the left over almond meal (from the Almond Milk post 3 days ago) to make something...

Crackers! Plus a spread.

I had about 1 1/4 cup of almond meal left over.

Mix the almond meal with:
1 tbsp garlic, 1 tbsp lemon juice, salt, pepper, thyme, poppy seeds...
what ever you may fancy.

I also added chia seeds to the mix, as the "egg".
To do this, mix 2 tbsp of chia seeds with 5 tbsp of water and leave in the fridge ~15 min.
Flatten/roll the spread in a tray. Make cuts for how big you want the crackers.

I put this in the oven at 300 degrees for close to an hour. 

Once the crackers are done they should be somewhat crispy.
If you want them crispier then lower the oven temperature to 150 degrees and leave it in for a few more hours.
I personally think that's a waste of energy and am fine with an hour of crisping.


Now for the spread, which can be done while you're waiting for the crackers to crisp up.

1 red pepper, 1/2 c sunflower seeds, 7 jalapeño slices, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1/2 can cannellini beans,
 1/2 tbsp ginger, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp hemp protein powder (optional), 1 tsp sea salt

Put all of those ingredients into a food processor and mix away.
Then spread it on your almond meal crackers....duh.
