Thursday, December 1, 2011

Abs in 23 days? Revisited.

Or "Why this is BS (for most people)"

To follow up on this (a month too late, but with more insight)...I did not follow these exercises for the month.  What I did was better, in my opinion.

I was better with my workouts and nutrition during this month, than any other month in my life.  I kept a workout calendar that tracked what exercises I did each day, and I made note of whether I ate healthy that day. Out of those 31 days, I worked out on 24 days, and ate healthy for 20 of the days.  I look at my own motivation during this month as a reminder for future motivation.  And although I did not get "abs"--I did notice a great difference in abdominal muscle.  The thing about getting real abs is that you MUST lower your body fat percentage a significant amount in order for these muscles to show.  And when you lower this percentage, it is NOT going to be only (or even mostly) on your stomach--unless you have mutant genetics.

After 23 days, I noticed my abdominal muscles working in small ways...such as pushing/pulling the elliptical handles, or even pushing/pulling a vacuum.  If I could improve on anything I did during the month of October, I would have to stress that nutrition is a bit more important than exercise.  If you HAVE to skip a day of something, it should be exercise and not nutrition.  I, however, find it easier to workout than to resist a second helping of dessert.  Also, weekends always drag me down. And I purposely let them.  The important thing is getting back on track once Monday rolls around.  

If my October workout calendar was the star student of the class, then my November workout calendar is the C average student...not failing though, because I'm still seeing positive differences. 

If someone wants to get abs in the shortest amount of time possible, I recommend that they eat protein everyday, every meal.  And some vegetables.  But definitely protein.  They should be eating chicken breasts until they never want to look at them again.  Alcohol and sweets are STRICTLY prohibited.  Hit a combination of strength training and cardio.  Small meals every 2-3 hours, never hungry, never full.  If you can follow this religiously, then God bless you.  I, however, cannot.  And so, with patience, I still have faith in my midsection. 


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