Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Desserts

I was pretty excited to bake/make a few desserts this year.  Perfect opportunity to try new things.

Starting off with the healthy dessert...Mudpie.

This is all you need: cocoa powder, coconut flakes, ripe bananas, a little salt.
Blend well.

Spread on wax paper and refrigerate overnight.

Spread coconut whipped cream on top and add some optional coconut jelly cubes.
 The whipped cream was made by leaving an opened can of unshaken coconut milk in the fridge for 2 nights. 

Onto the next dessert...Chocolate covered cake balls...or Truffles.
Mixed only 4 ingredients: vanilla cake mix, condensed milk, sugar & vanilla extract.
Roll into bite-sized balls. 

Cover with melted chocolate chips.

It was not easy/fun to do this, but definitely worth it.

After refrigerating overnight.

 And last but not least (since it was my favorite)....Peanut Brittle Cookies.
I cheated a bit for the sake of time.

Place Snickers piece inside.

Wrap it up and top with crushed Snickers. 

15 minutes later.

This is half the amount I made :)

Overall, good food + good company = great Thanksgiving. And I give my thanks for these things everyday.

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